
Jumat, 30 Agustus 2019

Materi Ajar : Selasa , 3 September 2019 kelas 6A

Materi Ajar
Kelas      : 6 A
B. Study : Lab. Bahasa Inggris
Tema      : Animal ( Sea Animal)

1. Whale                                 11. Turtle
2. Shell                                   12. Eel
3. Jellyfish                              13. Blue Tang
4. Shark                                  14. Star Fish
5. Sea Horse                           15. Lobster
6. Dolphin                              16. Saw fish
7. Shrimp
8. Squid
9. Stingray
10. Octopus

Materi Ajar : Senin, 2 September 2019 Kelas 6D dan 6E

Materi Ajar
Kelas      : 6 D dan 6 E
B. Study : Lab. Bahasa Inggris
Tema      : Animal ( Sea Animal)

1. Whale                                 11. Turtle
2. Shell                                   12. Eel
3. Jellyfish                              13. Blue Tang
4. Shark                                  14. Star Fish
5. Sea Horse                           15. Lobster
6. Dolphin                              16. Saw fish
7. Shrimp
8. Squid
9. Stingray
10. Octopus

Selasa, 27 Agustus 2019

Materi Ajar : Jumat, 30 Agustus 2019 kelas 4F

Materi Ajar
B. Study  : Lab Bahasa Inggris
Tema       : Pronoun


Complete these sentences with the correct personal pronoun

I    YOU    THEY    WE    SHE    HE    IT

1. My name is Andrea. ......... am 10 years old.
2. Pedro and Pablo are my friends.  ....... are from Mexico
3. Pedro and Pablo look alike and most people ask them, Are .... twins?
4. Pedro and I like to play tennis. .... play at the club.
5. Pablo likes to play football. ......plays with his neighbour.
6. This is Maya. .....  is my best friend
7. Linda is my sister. ......does not like sport.
8. My older brother has a horse.  ..... it is a gentle mare.
9. My uncle and aunt will visit me tomorrow, ..... from French
10. He asked, " Linda, do ...... want to go horseback riding?"

Materi Ajar : Rabu, 28 Agustus 2019 kelas 5A dan 5B

Setelah membahas tentang macam-macam benda-benda yang ada dipesta dalam bahasa inggris
berikut latihan untuk siswa

Answer the following questions based on the picture above.

1. How many dogs are there? One
2. How many boys are there?
3. How many girls are there?
4. How many presents are there?
6. How many party hats are there?
7. How many crowns are there?
8. How many balloons are there?
9. How many yellow glasses can you see?
10. How many birthday cake are there?    

Task  7
                             Write True (T) or False (F).

1.   There are ten children.                                  (                 )
2.   The dog is playing with a boy and a girl.     (                 )
3.   There is a plate on the chair.                         (                 )
4.   The presents are on the table.                       (                 )
5.   There is a big chocolate cake.                       (                 )
6.   There are eight pancakes on the table.          (                 )
7.   There is a candle on the cake.                       (                 )
8.   Mom is serving biscuits.                               (                 )
9.   All the boys are wearing a crown.                 (                 )
10. All the girls are wearing a party hat.              (                   )      A

Senin, 26 Agustus 2019

Materi Ajar : Kamis, 29 Agustus 2019 kelas 4D dan 4A

Materi Ajar
B. Study  : Lab Bahasa Inggris
Tema       : Pronoun


Complete these sentences with the correct personal pronoun

I    YOU    THEY    WE    SHE    HE    IT

1. My name is Andrea. ......... am 10 years old.
2. Pedro and Pablo are my friends.  ....... are from Mexico
3. Pedro and Pablo look alike and most people ask them, Are .... twins?
4. Pedro and I like to play tennis. .... play at the club.
5. Pablo likes to play football. ......plays with his neighbour.
6. This is Maya. .....  is my best friend
7. Linda is my sister. ......does not like sport.
8. My older brother has a horse.  ..... it is a gentle mare.
9. My uncle and aunt will visit me tomorrow, ..... from French
10. He asked, " Linda, do ...... want to go horseback riding?"

Materi ajar : Selasa,27 Agustus 2019 kelas 5C dan 5D

Setelah membahas tentang macam-macam benda-benda yang ada dipesta dalam bahasa inggris
berikut latihan untuk siswa

Answer the following questions based on the picture above.

1. How many dogs are there? One
2. How many boys are there?
3. How many girls are there?
4. How many presents are there?
6. How many party hats are there?
7. How many crowns are there?
8. How many balloons are there?
9. How many yellow glasses can you see?
10. How many birthday cake are there?    

Task  7
                             Write True (T) or False (F).

1.   There are ten children.                                  (                 )
2.   The dog is playing with a boy and a girl.     (                 )
3.   There is a plate on the chair.                         (                 )
4.   The presents are on the table.                       (                 )
5.   There is a big chocolate cake.                       (                 )
6.   There are eight pancakes on the table.          (                 )
7.   There is a candle on the cake.                       (                 )
8.   Mom is serving biscuits.                               (                 )
9.   All the boys are wearing a crown.                 (                 )
10. All the girls are wearing a party hat.              (                   )      

materi ajar :senin 26 agustus 2019 kelas 6d dan 6e

animal and their young
(binatang dan anaknya)

setelah memahami tentang binatang, dilanjutkan dengan perbedaan nama binatang dan anaknya 

Kamis, 22 Agustus 2019

bahan ajar : jumat, 23 agustus 2019


KELAS                    :IV
B.STUDY               : Lab Bahasa Inggris
TANGGAL             : Jumat, 16 Agustus 2019
TEMA                    : Subject Pronoun

Subject Pronoun (Kata ganti subyek)
Subject pronoun dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti kata ganti subyek, yakni kata yang berperan menggantikan subyek dan biasanya ciri-ciri subyek (pelaku) berada di awal kalimat.
Tabel di bawah ini adalah subject pronoun dalam bahasa Inggris
Kata Ganti Subject (Subject Pronoun)
Kata Ganti
Orang pertama tunggal
Orang pertama jamak
Orang kedua tunggal dan jamak
dia (pr)
Orang ketiga tunggal perempuan
dia (lk)
Orang ketiga tunggal laki-laki
dia (hewan, benda)
Orang ketiga tunggal hewan, benda
mereka (umum)
Orang ketiga jamak (umum)

Latihan pronoun: 

my brother

Ben and Tom
my father

the window

my sister and I

my friends

you and the  boys

I and Dana

Senin, 19 Agustus 2019

Selasa, 20 Agustus 2019 materi ajar kelas 5


There are some things that you can find in the birthday party:

1.   Birthday cake
2.      Candle
3.      Crown
4.      Present
5.      Ribbon
6.      Juice
7.      Cookies
8.      Balloon
9.      Party hat
10.  Clown
11.  Camera
12.  Popcorn
13.  Ice cream

Materi Ajar Bahasa Inggris : Senin, 19 Agustus 2019 Kelas 4B

KELAS                    :IV
B.STUDY               : Bahasa Inggris
TANGGAL            :
TEMA                    : School

Guru menjelaskan tentang macam macam mata pelajaran yang ada disekolah.


1. Physical Education          : Olahraga
2. Religion                           : Agama
3. English                             : Bahasa Inggris
4. Information Technology : TIK
5. Math                                :  Matematika
6. Science                            : IPA
7. History                             : Sejarah
8. Geography                       : IPS
9. Music                               : Musik
10. Art                                  : Seni

Setelah siswa mengerti tentang macam macam mata pelajaran Siswa diminta untuk bisa membuat daftar mata pelajaran.

LAtihan :
Tebak mata pelajarajn yang dimaksud
1.In this subject , we learn about number, plus and minus?
2. I like this subject because we can play football?
3. I can draw, paint in this paper?
4. You can learn things in the past?
5. You can learn how to sing and play guitar?

    Hari / Tanggal : Jumat / 7 februari 2025 Kelas / Fase : 5/C Capaian Pembelajaran: Mengembangkan kreativitas dan bakat dalam mendesain Me...